Saturday, May 16, 2009

Things I Have Learned

I've been enjoying miniatures by myself for quite a while, I didn't used to be cuckoo enough to start taking pictures of them. The Mini Bug has grabbed a hold of me and so here I am. At any rate, taking all of these pictures has taught me some important things.

1. My entire home is covered in cat hair. Even if you don't see it, it's there.

2. I really need to dust the dollhouse floors more often, that, or hire a tiny maid.

3. When someone mentions miniatures IRL, I can wax poetic. Here, not so much.

4. We really need more adequate lighting. It's like a cave in here.

5. My laptop makes funny noises when it's been on too long.

Hair's to you!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Friday's Fun

This was a fun project! One of my finds from last week, painted white, then painted yellow, then roughed up with an emory board. It's perfect for a potting cabinet. The next thing I'll scour the thrift shops for is some type of netting or screen to place over the cabinet doors.

The Christmas House with new bedspread. Last Friday's cloth napkin find transformed into a reindeer bedspread.

A small rectangular craft mirror turns into a nautical treasure with a few tiny shells and some string glued around the edge. I've still got to trim and fix the edge, of course.

These are the garden items that I made from trash at work. The black "iron" fence posts are made from the bottom end of a flower pick, painted black. The "concrete" planters were part of a foam insert to protect a large box of chocolates. I cut them into blocks and hollowed out the center. Once I brought them home, I painted them white. I like them alot but want to give them a more weathered appearance. I'll try using an emory board and see how that works.

Here's one of the planters filled with synthetic foliage from the craft store and a dried flower bit from the trash. I think it looks pretty nice for a bunch of trash.

Even though we've had temperatures in the 90's and gorgeous clear skies, it's been a great week for mini projects. Who needs a tan, anyway?

Have a Mini Day!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Veggie Basket

This is one of the first baskets of veggies I attempted. Some nice carrots(a little worse for wear, I fear) with removable broccoli made from Sculpey clay and a tiny basket from the craft store. The broccoli started life as a rolled piece and five various sized little balls. I used a stiff brush to stipple the top and give it some texture.

Now that I've dug it out of the box, I'll go ahead and repair the greens of the carrots by adding some textured clay and rebaking, basket and all. The combination of the low temperature and short baking time make it possible, though caution is still necessary.

I'm going to get some rest, tomorrow is a new day for making minis! Happy Crafting!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Friday's Haul

A quick jaunt to the thrift store always brings me happiness. I was looking for Christmas fabric for a bedspread, found that, and a whole lot more! I love to thrift almost as much as I love miniatures! Off to wrap tiny presents!

Have a Magical Miniature Day! :)